A, Network of the 21 items of the hyperactivity (light green), attention (sea green), disruptive (green), and internalizing (blue) communities in the SBQ at age 6 years. The ANX node (red) represents the occurrence of anxiety disorders at follow-up. Each edge corresponds to a partial correlation (positive in blue, negative in red, with an absolute magnitude >0.03) between 2 items, and its thickness corresponds to the absolute magnitude of the correlation. For instance, an edge between ANX and like implies that indication of the like item at age 6 years was indicative of anxiety disorder diagnosis at follow-up (age 15 or 22 years). B-D, All edges are removed except relevant edges involving the ANX node in the network at ages 6, 8, and 10 years, with no minimum absolute weight magnitude appearing in the graph. Item label abbreviations are defined in the Table.