Table 1. Summary of polygenic methods used to test contribution of eQTLs to trait variation.
Method* | Goal | Description and assumptions | Limitations | eQTL set used | GWAS data types |
eQTLEnrich, Rank and permutation-based GWAS-eQTL enrichment method | Tests whether eQTLs from a given tissue are significantly enriched for trait associations more than would be expected by chance and estimates adjusted fold-enrichment. | Estimates the probability of observing a given fold-enrichment of top ranked trait associations (e.g. GWAS p<0.05) amongst eQTLs in a given tissue, relative to the fold-enrichment of nonsignificant eVariants (adjusted fold-enrichment), using a null distribution derived from multiple randomly sampled variants matched on MAF, distance to TSS, and local LD. Per GWAS tested, tissues are ranked based on their adjusted fold-enrichment. | Adjusted fold-enrichment is correlated with GWAS sample size. | Best eQTL per eGene | Variant association p-values |
TORUS, Bayesian and MLE approach for quantifying GWAS-eQTL enrichment | Estimates an enrichment parameter that represents the relationship between the log-odds ratio of the trait associations being causal and their eQTL effect size. | Estimates the relationship between the (absolute value of) single variant eQTL z-scores and the corresponding log odds of a variant being causally associated with the complex trait of interest. A confident positive estimate of the log odds ratio indicates the increased odds of a variant being causally associated with the trait with stronger effect of eQTL association. Uses z-scores from all gene-variant pairs for a given tissue, and assumes a single causal trait association per LD block (following the assumption of fgwas). | Enrichment parameter estimation (esp. standard error) is correlated with tissue sample size of eQTLs | All variant-gene pairs tested | Variant association test statistics |
π1 method | Estimates the fraction of eQTLs in a given tissue that are likely to be associated with a given complex trait. | Estimates the fraction of true trait associations amongst eQTLs in a given tissue, using the π1 statistic, which assumes a standard uniform distribution for the null distribution and independence between variants. | Results not robust to small variant sets. | Best eQTL per eGene | Variant association p-values |
Summary statistics-based heritability estimation | Estimates the relative contribution of eQTLs in aggregate to the heritability of complex traits, using LD Score regression applied to publicly available GWAS summary statistics. | Estimates the per-variant effect of the trait association by an annotated eQTL vs. an unannotated variant. A larger difference indicates a higher degree of enrichment of contribution of eQTLs to trait associations. | Works optimally when the per-variant variance is not correlated with the LD score. | All significant variant-gene pairs | Variant association test statistics |
Mixed-effects-model heritability estimation | Estimates proportion of complex trait variance explained by eQTL variants in aggregate using GWAS genotype data. | Estimates the heritability attributable to eQTL variants using the Restricted Maximum Likelihood approach. The approach assumes a normal distribution of trait effect sizes for the eQTL variants and uses a genetic similarity matrix generated from the eQTL variants. | Requires genotype data. | All significant variant-gene pairs | Individual genotype data |
See URLs for links to methods’ software.