GLS1 inhibition blocked cell cycle progression and cyclin A expression by HUVEC. (A) Effect of DON (20μM) or BPTES (20μM) exposure for 24 hours on the distribution of HUVECs in the cell cycle. (B) Effect of DON (20μM) or BPTES (20μM) exposure for 24 hours on cell cycle protein expression and phosphorylation determined by western blotting. (C) Effect of DON (20μM) or BPTES (20μM) exposure for 24 hours on cyclin A mRNA expression. (D) Effect of DON (20μM) or BPTES (20μM) exposure for 24 hours on cyclin A promoter activity. Results are means ± SD (n=4). *Statistically significant effect of GLS1 inhibitors.