AM improves implantation success and spacing in mice. (A) Images of e6.5 embryos
within uteri treated with vehicle, AM, or AM + AM(24–50) prior to transfer of eight
blastocysts per horn. Arrowheads indicate viable implantation sites as determined by
uptake of Evans blue dye. Scale bar, 1 cm. (B) Quantitation of viable implant sites
per horn. Dots represent uterine horns. ns, not significant.
*P < 0.05, Mann-Whitney test. (C) Illustration of quantitation
method for spacing of e6.5 embryos within uterine horns. SD, standard deviation. (D)
Quantitation of spacing in vehicle (n = 26), AM (n = 21), and AM + AM(24–50) (n = 25)
horns using method depicted in (C). *P < 0.05, unpaired
t test with Welch's correction.