Local generation of OB and RMS astroglia. Adult brain sections after Star Track
electroporation at E14. (A–E) Extensive electroporation targeting
the lateral (A,C) and olfactory ventricle (B,D–E).
(C–E) Higher magnification of insets in A (C)
and B (D–E). (F–K) Electroporation restricted to
the rostral olfactory ventricle. (F) Most caudal section with
labeled cells. (H–K) Higher magnification of insets in F
(J–K) and G (H,I). Residual labeling in the
nonelectroporated side is exclusively found in electroporations targeting the SVZ in
the lateral ventricles (compare E and I). Nuclear
counterstaining is shown in gray. Scale bars = 200 μm in A,B,
F,G (shown in G); 50 μm in C–E,
H–K (shown in K).