Figure 9.
Astroglial clones in the RMS. (A–L). Different views of the RMS in coronal sections. (A,E,I) Low magnifications. (B,F,J) High magnifications showing radial-like astroglia. (C) High magnification of an isogenic group comprised of 3 sibling cells with the same fluorescent signature. (D,H,K,L) Protoplasmic-like astrocytes in the RMS margins. (G) Neuroblast within a migratory chain. Note its smaller soma size and the lack of GFAP expression. (M,N) Low magnification of RMS and adjacent areas (anterior olfactory nucleus) with (M) or without nuclear counterstaining in gray (N). (O) High magnification of inset in N showing the RMS labeling. (P–R) High magnification of insets in N showing examples of clones with no representation in the RMS. Scale bars = 100 μm in A,E,I (shown in I); 25 μm in B–D, F–H, J–L (shown in L); 200 μm in M, N (shown in N); 50 μm in O–R (shown in R).