Figure 1.
Time-dependent changes in sperm motility patterns during in vitro capacitation. Representative images from computer-aided sperm analysis (CASA) of human sperm from a single individual incubated for 0 h (A) or 3 h (B) in HTF complete medium. Gates corresponding to VCL ≥ 150 μm/s, LIN ≤ 50% and ALH ≥ 7 μm were applied to the sperm tracks using the CASA SORT function. These gates identifed both the cyan (arrow heads) and green tracks (arrows) as hyperactivated. The green tracks are also classified as non-progressive, based on CASA-dependent settings. Dark blue (#) tracks denote sperm that left the field before analysis was completed. Asterisks denote tracks that meet the criteria of the SORT function, but do not meet our strict criteria of hyperactivated sperm patterns by visual analysis.