Develop, adapt and evaluate valid and reliable screening methods for substance use, including injection and non-injection drug use
Integration of low-cost and reliable point-of-care testing for alcohol use among patients receiving HIV care
Develop, implement and evaluate screening and treatment/referral protocols for substance use disorders that can be integrated into HIV treatment and implemented by non-specialists
Identify barriers and facilitators to the integration of the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders with HIV care
Estimate and characterise availability of evidence-based substance use disorder prevention and treatment services
Assess substance use effects, including time-varying changes in patterns of injection and non-injection substance use, on HIV outcomes (e.g., ART adherence, HIV viral suppression and sustained HIV viral suppression) through longitudinal studies
Evaluate substance use effects, including time-varying changes in patterns of injection and non-injection substance use, on co-occurring infections and non-communicable diseases through longitudinal studies