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. 2018 Nov 15;4(Suppl 2):33–39. doi: 10.1016/S2055-6640(20)30343-5

Table 1.

Research priorities to achieve 90-90-90 for pregnant and postpartum women in sub-Saharan Africa

First 90
  • Identify approaches to detecting acute HIV infection in pregnancy and postpartum periods

  • Determine structural- and individual-level barriers to repeat testing in late pregnancy and breastfeeding periods

  • Evaluate strategies to ensure universal uptake of antenatal services, including HIV testing

  • Develop innovative testing approaches to identify HIV-positive pregnant/postpartum women in lower HIV-prevalence regions

Second 90
  • Further understand barriers to ART uptake and retention in care

  • Assess interventions to improve ART uptake and retention in care

  • Explore optimal models of integrated HIV and maternal and child health services

  • Evaluate differentiated models of care for pregnant and postpartum women on ART

  • Develop strategies to identify and mitigate ART-associated adverse birth outcomes

Third 90
  • Promote research, country and programme reporting of viral load outcomes during pregnancy and breastfeeding

  • Evaluate interventions that promote sustained adherence to ART, focused on postpartum period

  • Determine optimal timing and frequency of viral load monitoring in pregnancy and postpartum

  • Evaluate biomedical and behavioural approaches designed to achieve rapid viral suppression during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Early infant diagnosis of HIV for HIV-exposed infants
  • Evaluate integrated approaches to ensure universal uptake of early infant diagnosis

  • Optimise retention, through the breastfeeding period, of exposed infants

  • Establish best strategies to incorporate birth testing and point-of-care EID technologies

  • Develop HIV testing approaches for infants of women with acute infection during breastfeeding