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. 2018 Nov 21;13(11):e0207055. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207055

Table 2. Unstandardized multiple linear regression coefficients and 95% confidence intervals for correlates of depression severity among people living with HIV in India (n = 337).

Depression Severity B 95% CI
Constant 13.992 10.584 17.401
Gender -0.462 -4.843 3.919
Age -0.026 -0.100 0.047
Married or Living with Partner -4.348 -9.178 0.482
Income (per 100 INR) 0.022 -0.006 0.050
Internalized HIV/AIDS Stigma (0–6) 0.612* 0.120 1.105
Availability of Emotional Support (0–100) -0.062*** -0.084 -0.039
Availability of Instrumental Support (0–100) 0.029*** 0.012 0.044
Frequency of Instrumental Support (0–6) 0.731** 0.207 1.254
Frequency of Disengagement (0–6) 0.433*** 0.220 0.646
Frequency of Self-Distraction (0–6) -1.081*** -1.343 -0.819
Gender X Frequency of Instrumental Support -1.343*** -1.933 -0.753
Gender X Income -0.035* -0.065 -0.005
Frequency of Instrumental Support X Income -0.015* -0.029 -0.002
Gender X Frequency of Instrumental Support X Income 0.019** 0.005 0.032
Gender X Age 0.078 -0.021 0.176
Gender X Married or Living with Partner 8.571** 2.686 14.457
Married or Living with Partner X Age 0.134* 0.008 0.260
Gender X Married or Living with Partner X Age -0.217** -0.365 -0.068
F-test F(21, 315) 17.91***  
Adjusted R-squared 0.51    

Notes: Significance level

† = p<0.10

* = p<0.05

** = p<0.01

*** = p<0.001

B = Regression coefficient

CI = Confidence interval