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. 2018 Nov 21;13(11):e0207884. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207884

Table 1. Maternal, perinatal and child characteristics by exposure status.

(N = 60988)
(N = 2026)
Continuous variables M (SD) M (SD)
Maternal age at birth (years) 28.3 (5.6) 27.4 (5.9)
Gestational age at birth (days) 279.3 (11.6) 268.2 (19.8)
Categorical variables n (%) n (%)
Maternal marital status a
Married/cohabiting 55798 (91.5) 1822 (89.9)
Not married 4262 (7.0) 182 (9.0)
Widowed/divorced 917 (1.5) 22 (1.1)
Maternal occupational status a
Employed 43093 (71.7) 1464 (73.2)
Student 6938 (11.5) 322 (16.1)
Unemployed/welfare, other aid 754 (1.3) 37 (1.8)
Homemaker 9329 (15.5) 178 (8.9)
Maternal citizenship a
Icelandic 59832 (98.1) 1985 (98.0)
Foreign 1152 (1.9) 41 (2.0)
Place of birth
Urban 41280 (67.7) 1680 (82.9)
Rural 19698 (32.3) 346 (17.1)
Primipara 22136 (36.3) 1209 (59.7)
Multipara 38852 (63.7) 817 (40.3)
Singleton birth
Yes 59109 (96.9) 1831 (90.4)
No 1879 (3.1) 195 (9.6)
Infant sex
Boy 30847 (50.6) 1028 (50.7)
Girl 30141 (49.4) 998 (49.3)
Small for gestational age
No 60058 (98.5) 1827 (90.2)
Yes 930 (1.5) 199 (9.8)
5-minute Apgar score
≥7 59783 (98.0) 1932 (95.4)
<7 1205 (2.0) 94 (4.6)
ADHD prescriptions
Not present 54901 (90.0) 1807 (89.2)
Present 6087 (10.0) 219 (10.8)
Place of test administration b
Urban 36253 (59.6) 1255 (62.0)
Rural 24618 (40.4) 769 (38.0)
Test participation relative to peers
Concurrent with peers 59129 (97.0) 1969 (97.2)
Ahead of peers 1783 (2.9) 52 (2.6)
Behind peers 76 (0.1) 5 (0.2)

SD, standard deviation; ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder

a Some values were missing from the Medical Birth Register on maternal marital status (exposed n = 11), maternal occupational status (exposed n = 874; unexposed n = 25) and maternal citizenship (exposed n = 4).

b Some values were missing from the Directorate of Education on place of test administration (exposed n = 117; unexposed n = 2).