Figure 2.
(A) Simulated 15Nfree polarization as a function of CW RF field amplitude, v1, and frequency offset from 15Nbound resonance, vrf − v(15Nbound) for a [IrH2S2] SABRE complex, where S = 15N. Note that two distinct extrema occur, symmetric with respect to the frequency of the bound substrate, v(15Nbound). The maximum polarization for , , tCW = 1.17 s and n = 20 occurs at v1=5 Hz and vrf − v(15Nbound)=17 Hz. (B) Polarization of SLIC-SABRE as a function of for an [IrH2S2] complex with S=1H (red) and S=15N1H (blue) and the “simple analytical SABRE formula” (dashed line).