Fig. 4. Higher spontaneous Caspase-3 activation and increased apoptotic cell populations in unstimulated CVID memory B cells.
Percentages of total Caspase-3-activated naive CD19+CD27− (white circles) and memory CD19+CD27+ (light gray circles) unstimulated B cells from healthy controls (a). Percentages of viable, early-apoptotic, intermediate-apoptotic, and late-apoptotic/necrotic cells detected in previously gated naive CD19+CD27– (white circles) and memory CD19+CD27+ (light gray circles) unstimulated B cells from healthy controls (b). Percentages of total Caspase-3-activated naive CD19+CD27– (c) and memory CD19+CD27+ (e) unstimulated B cells from healthy controls (white circles), CVID (light gray circles) and apoptosis-prone CVID (dark gray circles) patients. Percentages of viable, early-apoptotic, intermediate-apoptotic, and late-apoptotic/necrotic cells detected in previously gated naive CD19+CD27– (d) and memory CD19+CD27+ (f) unstimulated B cells from healthy controls (white circles), CVID (light gray circles), and apoptosis-prone CVID (dark gray circles) patients. Data are given as medians (Mann–Whitney and Kruskal–Wallis test P values: *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001). HC healthy controls (n = 9), CVID common variable immunodeficiency patients (n = 5), AP-CVID apoptosis-prone CVID patients (n = 4)