Figure 1.
Measurement of the time required for cutting the tibia and tongue. (a–d) Force-time graph of tibias: (a) Carbide bur, (b) Fissure bur, (c) Round bur, and (d) Piezosurgery. (e–h) Force-time graph of tongues: (e) Carbide bur, (f) Fissure bur, (g) Round bur, and (h) Piezosurgery. (i) Comparison of time required to cut the tibia among the instruments (n = 6; Games-Howell test, P < 0.05). Carbide and fissure burs (P = 0.001), carbide and round burs (P = 0.002), fissure and round burs (P = 0.003), fissure bur and piezosurgery (P = 0.002), round bur and piezosurgery (P = 0.003). (j) Comparison of time required to cut the tongue among the instruments (n = 6; Games-Howell test, P < 0.05). Carbide and fissure burs (P = 0.454), carbide and round burs (P < 0.001), fissure and round burs (P < 0.001). The result for piezosurgery was not shown because the tongue was not cut within 20 s.