Delayed neuronal differentiation of TSC NPCs. (A) Representative
confocal images of DIV7, 14, and 21 neuronal cultures generated from TSC and
control NPC lines. An increasing proportion of the cells express the
neuron-specific markers HuC/D and MAP2 over the time course of differentiation.
Nuclei are counterstained with DAPI. Scale bar = 100μm. (B, C) Automated
high content analysis of randomized image fields shows a steadily increasing
percentage of HuC/D+ cells during the time course of differentiation for TSC and
control cultures in both subject sets. However, at DIV7 TSC cultures showed a
significantly lower percentage of HuC/D+ cells than control in both subject sets
(*p<0.05, n = 4 independent
differentiation experiments). The percentage of HuC/D+ neurons in TSC cultures
was not significantly altered at DIV14 or DIV21 in either subject set
(n = 3–4 independent experiments). Significance at
each time point was determined via multiple unpaired t tests
corrected using the Holm-Sidak method and α= 0.05. (D) Western blotting
of DIV7 cultures show reduced levels of early neuronal markers DCX and
βIII-TUB in patient samples from both subject sets. (E, F) Quantification
of Western blot data normalized to internal controls. The decrease in DCX and
βIII-TUB levels were significant in both patient groups compared to
controls (**p<0.01, *p<0.05,
n=5 experiments for CTR #8 and TSC #6, n =
4 for CTR #5 and TSC #1). Significance was determined via unpaired nonparametric
t tests (Mann-Whitney). Plots represent mean values
± SEM.