Fig. 4.
FIH exits the nucleus via a Leptomycin B-sensitive exportin1-dependent pathway. (A) Immunofluorescence staining of FIH (green) and HIF1α (red) in MCF7 cells after the indicated hypoxia (0.5% O2) and re-oxygenation treatments. TO-PRO-3 (blue) was used to stain nuclei. (B) Total cell lysates from U2OS cells were immunoprecipitated with an anti-exportin1 antibody or control IgG. FIH, exportin1 and β-tubulin levels are indicated. (C) Immunofluorescence staining of FIH (green) in FIH-null mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) transfected with HA-FIH 1–349 or HA-FIH ΔNES followed by normoxia, hypoxia (1% O2, 3 h) or 3 h of hypoxia followed by re-oxygenation for 1 h. TO-PRO-3 (blue) was used to stain nuclei. Arrows indicate nuclear localization of signal. (D) Total cell lysates from U2OS cells transfected with control vector, HA-FIH 1–349 or HA-FIH ΔNES were immunoprecipitated with an anti-exportin 1 antibody. HA-FIH, exportin1 and β-tubulin levels are indicated. FL, full length; IgGL, IgG light chain. Scale bars: 20 µm.