Figure 3: In unwounded epidermis, basement membrane proteins come from other tissues.
A) Experiment overview: tissue expressing a basement membrane protein allele fused to GFP (BM-GFP) and an allele not fused with GFP will secrete both forms for incorporation into the basement membrane, resulting in fluorescent basement membrane. When dsRNAGFP targets GFP in the source tissue, only the basement membrane protein lacking GFP will be secreted, resulting in non-fluorescent basement membrane. B) Example images without (top) and with (bottom) dsRNAGFP expression. Scale bar, 50 µm. C-E) Laminin-GFP, collagen IV-GFP, or perlecan-GFP is lost from the epidermal BM when dsRNAGFP is expressed in adipose tissue. F) Nidogen-GFP is lost from the epidermal BM when dsRNAGFP is expressed in the muscles. *** indicates p ≤ 0.001.