Fig. 1.
Treatment of immunocompetent mice with orthotopic ATC (TBP-3743) with PLX4720 and/or anti-PD-1/anti-PD-L1 as single agents and combination therapy; experiment was repeated twice. a Experimental design, treatment randomisation, and schedule. b Combination therapy for 1 week led to 61.3% (PLX4720 + anti-PD-1) and 63.7% (PLX4720 + anti-PD-L1) tumour growth inhibition vs. controls (p < 0.01). c Combination-treated mice survived for a median of 28 ± 2.5 days (PLX4720 + anti-PD-1) and 28 ± 0.9 days (PLX4720 + anti-PD-L1), both significantly longer than controls (p < 0.001)