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. 2018 Nov 15;18(4):9. doi: 10.5334/ijic.4172

Table 2.

Values, descriptions and references.

# Value label Description References

1 Collaborative Professionals work together in teams, in collaboration with clients, their families and communities, establishing and maintaining good (working) relationships. [39,41,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69]
(N = 20)
2 Co-ordinated Connection and alignment between the involved actors and elements in the care chain, matching the needs of the unique person. Between professionals, clients and/or families, within teams and across teams. [39,41,52,53,54,55,58,59,60,61,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71]
(N = 19)
3 Transparent Openly and honestly giving insight in information, decisions, consequences and results, between clients, their families, professionals and providers. [52,54,57,58,59,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,71]
(N = 15)
4 Empowering Facilitating and supporting people to build on their strengths, make their own decisions, manage their own health and take responsibility for it. [39,41,53,55,57,59,60,61,63,64,66,67,68]
(N = 13)
5 Comprehensive The availability of a wide range of services, tailored to the evolving needs and preferences of clients and their families. [39,41,52,53,54,58,59,60,63,64,67,68,70]
(N = 13)
6 Co-produced Engaging clients, their families and communities in the design, implementation and improvement of services, through partnerships, in collaboration with professionals and providers. [39,41,52,53,54,55,57,61,63,64 66,67,68]
(N = 13)
7 Shared responsibility and accountability The acknowledgment that multiple actors are responsible and accountable for the quality and outcomes of care, based on collective ownership of actions, goals and objectives, between clients, their families, professionals and providers. [39,41,52,53,54,56,58,60,62,63,65,68,70]
(N = 13)
8 Continuous Services that are consistent, coherent and connected, that address the needs and preferences of clients across their life course. [39,41,52,53,55,58,59,60,61,68,70,71]
(N = 12)
9 Holistic Putting the clients and their needs in the center of the service, whole person oriented, with an eye for physical, social, socio-economical, biomedical, psychological, spiritual and emotional dimensions. [39,41,52,54,55,57,59,64,66,67,71]
(N = 11)
10 Goal oriented Working with clearly described, concrete, measurable, common goals and objectives for clients, their families, professionals and providers. [39,41,53,58,61,62,63,64,65,66,69]
(N = 11)
11 Personal Delivering care by establishing personal contact and relationships, to ensure that services and communication are based on the unique situations of clients and their families. [39,52,53,59,61,64,66,68,70,71]
(N = 10)
12 Evidence-informed Working processes, policies and strategies are guided by evidence-based knowledge, data and information, supported by technology and periodic assessment. [41,53,54,55,58,59,61,62,62,63,66]
(N = 10)
13 Respectful Treating people with respect and dignity, being aware of their experiences, feelings, perceptions, culture and social circumstances. [41,53,54,56,57,58,63,64,68,71]
(N = 10)
14 Equitable Services are accessible and available for all people, and they are all treated equally. [39,41,52,53,55,58,59,68,70]
(N = 9)
15 Sustainable Services are efficient, effective and economically viable, ensuring that they can adapt to evolving environments. [41,53,54,58,59,60,63,70]
(N = 8)
16 Led by whole-systems thinking Taking interrelatedness and interconnectedness into account, realising changes in one part of the system can affect other parts. [39,41,54,55,57,60,64,69]
(N = 8)
17 Flexible Care that is able to change quickly and effectively, to respond to the unique, evolving needs of clients and their families, both in professional teams and organisations. [54,62,63,64,68,70,71]
(N = 7)
18 Preventative Early detection and action for clients and their families that promotes individual and public health. [41,55,59,66,67,70]
(N = 6)
19 Reciprocal Care based on equal, interdependent relationships between clients, their families, professionals and providers, and facilitate cooperative, mutual exchange of knowledge, information and other resources. [54,63,64,65,69]
(N = 5)
20 Innovative Supporting, facilitating and creating space for innovation and future improvements in professional teams and organisations. [53,61,62,63]
(N = 4)
21 Trustful Enabling mutual trust between clients, their families, communities, professionals and organisations, in and across teams. [54,63,65,66]
(N = 4)
22 Proficient Knowledgeable and skilful services are provided by professionals, with a focus on quality. [52,62,71]
(N = 3)
23 Safe Care services that are safe for clients, their families and professionals, including privacy and confidentiality protection. [52,55,58]
(N = 3)