Fig. 3.
Relative expression of GpSGHV odv-e66 and RNAi pathway genes post GpSGHV (black line) or PBS (grey dotted line) injection in G. pallidipes flies. a) GpSGHV odv-e66; b AGO1; c AGO2; d AGO3; e DCR2; and f Drosha. Gene expression was quantified by RT-qPCR of the RNA extracted from whole fly bodies. Gene expression values were normalized to β–tubulin and transformed by the Box-Cox process. The expression levels of AGO1, AGO2 and Drosha were transformed using the lambda (λ) values (Expressionλ - 1)/λ), while virus odv-e66, AGO3 and DCR2 expressions were log transformed (log(Expression). The results from PBS and virus injection marked with the same lower-case letter do not differ at the 0.05 level