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. 2018 Nov 22;18:884. doi: 10.1186/s12913-018-3662-0

Table 6.

Positive response rate (PRR) for individual items/dimensions according to pharmacists’ working hours per week

32–40 h per week >  40 h per week p-value
Positive Positive
n (%) n (%)
1. Physical Space and Environment
 A1. This pharmacy is well organized 25 (92.6) 208 (92.9) 0.999a
 A5. This pharmacy is free of clutter/untidiness 26 (92.9) 205 (91.1) 0.999a
 A7. The physical layout of this pharmacy supports good workflow 24 (88.9) 178 (79.5) 0.243b
Total 75 (91.5) 591 (87.8) 0.333b
2. Teamwork
 A2. Staff treat each other with respect 28 (100.0) 219 (97.3) 0.999a
 A4. Staff in this pharmacy clearly understand their roles and responsibilities 26 (96.3) 215 (95.6) 0.999a
 A9. Staff work together as an effective team 28 (100.0) 218 (96.9) 0.999a
Total 82 (98.8) 652 (96.6) 0.503a
3. Staff Training and Skills
 A3. Pharmacy assistants/helpers in this pharmacy receive the training they need to do their jobs 26 (92.9) 174 (77.3) 0.057b
 A6. Staff in this pharmacy have the skills they need to do their jobs well 27 (96.4) 215 (95.6) 0.999a
 A8. Staff who are new to this pharmacy receive adequate orientation 25 (92.6) 198 (89.6) 0.999a
 A10. Staff get enough training from this pharmacy 26 (92.9) 183 (81.7) 0.185a
Total 104 (93.7) 770 (86.0) 0.024 b
4. Communication Openness
 B1. Staff ideas and suggestions are valued in this pharmacy 22 (81.5) 174 (77.3) 0.624b
 B5. Staff feel comfortable asking questions when they are unsure about something 24 (85.7) 199 (88.4) 0.755a
 B10. It is easy for staff to speak up to their pharmacy manager (chief pharmacist) or pharmacy owner about patient safety concerns in this pharmacy 23 (82.1) 196 (87.9) 0.373a
Total 69 (83.1) 569 (84.5) 0.738b
5. Patient Counselling
 B2. Pharmacists in this pharmacy encourage patients to talk about their medications 23 (82.1) 203 (90.2) 0.196a
 B7. Our pharmacists spend enough time talking to patients about how to use their medications 24 (85.7) 210 (93.3) 0.242a
 B11. Our pharmacists tell patients important information about their new prescriptions 23 (82.1) 207 (92.0) 0.152a
Total 70 (83.3) 620 (91.9) 0.010 b
6. Staffing, Work Pressure, and Pace
 B3. Staff take adequate breaks during their shifts 19 (67.9) 88 (39.1) 0.004 b
 B9. We feel rushed when processing prescriptions (R) 5 (17.9) 92 (41.1) 0.017 b
 B12. We have enough staff to handle the workload 23 (82.1) 187 (83.5) 0.792a
 B16. Interruptions/distractions in this pharmacy (from phone calls, faxes, customers, etc.) make it difficult for staff to work accurately (R) 3 (11.1) 65 (29.0) 0.048 b
Total 50 (45.0) 432 (48.2) 0.061b
7. Communication About Prescriptions Across Shifts
 B4. We have clear expectations about exchanging important prescription information across shifts 24 (85.7) 161 (72.2) 0.126b
 B6. We have standard procedures for communicating prescription information across shifts 21 (77.8) 169 (75.8) 0.819b
 B14. The status of problematic prescriptions is well communicated across shifts 20 (74.1) 165 (74.0) 0.993b
Total 65 (79.3) 495 (74.0) 0.300b
8. Communication About Mistakes
 B8. Staff in this pharmacy discuss mistakes 21 (75.0) 191 (84.9) 0.181a
 B13. When patient safety issues occur in this pharmacy, staff discuss them 23 (82.1) 183 (81.7) 0.954b
 B15. In this pharmacy, we talk about ways to prevent mistakes from happening again 24 (85.7) 177 (79.0) 0.406b
Total 68 (81.0) 551 (81.9) 0.837b
9. Response to Mistakes
 C1. Staff are treated fairly when they make mistakes 24 (88.9) 211 (94.2) 0.392a
 C4. This pharmacy helps staff learn from their mistakes rather than punishing them 24 (85.7) 210 (94.2) 0.106a
 C7. We look at staff actions and the way we do things to understand why mistakes happen in this pharmacy 25 (89.3) 195 (87.1) 0.999a
 C8. Staff feel like their mistakes are held against them (R) 15 (55.6) 171 (77.7) 0.012 b
Total 88 (80.0) 787 (88.3) 0.013 b
10. Organizational Learning - Continuous Improvement
 C2. When a mistake happens, we try to figure out what problems in the work process led to the mistake 25 (89.3) 212 (94.6) 0.224a
 C5. When the same mistake keeps happening, we change the way we do things 23 (85.2) 202 (91.0) 0.308a
 C10. Mistakes have led to positive changes in this pharmacy 27 (96.4) 211 (95.0) 0.999a
Total 75 (90.4) 625 (93.6) 0.274b
11. Overall Perceptions of Patient Safety
 C3. This pharmacy places more emphasis on sales than on patient safety (R) 20 (74.1) 155 (70.1) 0.672b
 C6. This pharmacy is good at preventing mistakes 25 (89.3) 217 (96.4) 0.109a
 C9. The way we do things in this pharmacy reflects a strong focus on patient safety 26 (96.3) 215 (96.0) 0.999a
Total 71 (86.6) 587 (87.6) 0.791b

(R): Negatively worded items were reversed coded

p-values were generated using aFisher’s exact test and bPearson chi-square test

Significant numbers from the statistical tests were presenetd in bold