Figure 4.
PCB 95 enantioselectively induce rapid Ca2+ release from JSR vesicles. The upper panel (Panel A) is the schematic illustration showing the Ca2+ transport system monitored with Ca2+ dye Arsenazo III. Panel B: JSR vesicles were actively loaded with four bouts of total 180 nmole Ca2+ before exposed to DMSO, enantiomeric or racemic PCB 95 (black) as marked in the figure. Panel C: The initial 60 s of Ca2+ release traces were presented with a linear-fit. The obtained initial release rates (nmole Ca2+/sec/mg) from total n = 6 independent measurements under identical condition were summarized and plotted in Panel D. Data presented as mean ± SD (n = 6). ### p ≤ 0.001 vs vehicle (0.5% DMSO), ***p ≤ 0.001 vs racemic-PCB95 (One-way ANOVA followed by post hoc Dunnett’s testusing Graphpad Prism 7.03).