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. 2018 Oct 23;5(11):ofy267. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofy267

Table 1.

Baseline Characteristics

Cryptococcal Meningitis: Patients and Episodes
Total No. of patients 236
Total No. of episodes 283
1 236 (83%)
2 37
3 8 (3%)
4 2 (1%)
Variable No. With Data
(of 236 Patients)
Value, Median (IQR) Unless Otherwise Stated
Baseline characteristics of patients (restricted to 1st episode of cryptococcal meningitis)
Age, y 234 36 (32–42)
Male sex, % (No.) 236 69 (163)
Headache, % (No.)a 155 86 (134)
Vomiting, % (No.)a 151 54 (81)
Visual disturbance, % (No.)a 155 35 (54)
Symptom duration, da 119 7 (5–14)
Glasgow Coma Scale score <15, % (No.)a 155 40 (62)
Focal neurology, % (No.)a 154 14 (21)
CSF opening pressure, cm H2Oa 94 38 (28–48)
India ink, % positive (No.) 235 89 (210)
CSF protein, g/dL 194 0.74 (0.47–1.38)
CSF glucose, mmol/L 195 2.3 (1.5–2.9)
CSF white cell count, cells/µL 229 10 (0–62)
CSF lymphocyte, % 105 98 (90–99)
HIV and TB status
Prior diagnosis of HIV, % (No.) 236 75 (177)
Time from HIV diagnosis to CM, mo 217 14 (2–63)
On ART at CM diagnosis, % (No.) 181 45 (81)
Time from ART initiation to CM, d 181 217 (40–1095)
Baseline CD4 cell count, cells/µL 192 39 (17–82)
Previously treated for TB, % (No.)a 152 26 (39)
Current on TB treatment, % (No.)a 151 9 (13)

Abbreviations: ART, antiretroviral therapy; CM, cyptococcal meningitis; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; IQR, interquartile range; TB, tuberculosis.

aThese data were derived from paper records. Paper records were retrieved for 64% (180/283) of CM episodes, or 66% (156/236) of patients. Note that the results in the table are restricted to the first episode only in individuals who had more than 1 episode of CM. The overall results of these paper record variables for each episode of CM (ie, including both first and relapse episodes) are given in the text.