αEnsa protein is differentially expressed in distinct zones of ischemic rat brain.
Triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC)-stained coronal section of rat tMCAo, with
depiction of distinct boxed zones (A). Immunofluorescent montage images
of ischemic rat cortex reveal qualitative differences in αEnsa protein expression in
distinct regions of ischemic cortex (B, D), relative to controls
(C, E); original magnification,
20× (B–E, upper panels);
40× (B–E, lower panels); scale bars,
100 µm (upper panels); 10 µm (lower
panels); αEnsa, red/CY3; GFAP and HSF1, green/FITC; nuclei, blue/DAPI. Images shown
are from specimen 24 hours after ischemia/reperfusion.