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. 2017 Jun 7;76(7):605–619. doi: 10.1093/jnen/nlx041


Summary of Kappa Values (±95% Confidence Interval, CI) and Mean % of Agreement (±95% CI) for Different Aspects of Study 1 and 2

Study and Question Kappa Value 95% CI Mean % of Agreement 95% CI
1: Recognition of astrocytic tau immunoreactivities 0.55 0.433–0.645 63.8 ±7.5
2A: Recognition of presence of ARTAG 0.48 0.457–0.900 91.1 ±5.1
2A: Recognition of astrocytic tau immunoreactivities associated with FTLD-tau 0.25 2.89x10−16–0.374 73.1 ±6.3
2A: Recognition of SP ARTAG 0.61 0.468–0.739 81.8 ±7.02
2A: Recognition of SE ARTAG 0.72 0.584–0.828 87.2 ±5.9
2A: Recognition of GM ARTAG 0.37 0.288–0.536 83.1 ±5.6
2A: Recognition of WM ARTAG 0.44 0.323–0.551 79.5 ±6.05
2A: Recognition of PV ARTAG 0.58 0.442–0.672 78.1 ±6.4
2B: Semiquantitative scoring 0.40 0.341–0.445 50.4 (65.9) ±3.8 (4.6)
2A+B: Overall assessment of ARTAG 0.60 0.534–0.650 82.3 ±2.4

SP, subpial; SE, subependymal; GM, gray matter; WM, white matter; PV, perivascular.