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. 2016 Dec 12;46(4):1239–1248. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyw290

Table 1.

Descriptive data for men and women residing inside and outside New York City (NYC), surveyed before the implementation of the Bloomberg administration’s public health initiatives (1992-2000) and after implementation (2002-10). Values represent the weighted demographics of the matched analytical sample, with unweighted n reported alongside percentages calculated using CEM weights, National Longitudinal Mortality Survey (1992-2011)

Men, 1992-2000
Men, 2002-10
Women, 1992-2000
Women, 2002-10
Outside NYC Inside NYC Outside NYC Inside NYC Outside NYC Inside NYC Outside NYC Inside NYC
  n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
Age (mean, SD)   40.7 (18.2) 40.9 (18.1) 40.0 (17.5) 40.2 (17.4) 42.8 (18.7) 43.0 (18.7) 42.4 (18.2) 42.6 (18.2)
Education, years (mean, SD) 12.6 (3.9) 12.7 (3.7)* 13.0 (3.7) 13.1 (3.6) 12.4 (3.8) 12.4 (3.7) 13.0 (3.7) 13.0 (3.7)
White 137589 (70.9) 3778 (70.9) 209901 (58.3) 3398 (58.3) 167329 (68.8) 4979 (68.8) 244644 (54.7) 4065 (54.7)
Black 10437 (20.0) 1065 (20.0) 24709 (27.1) 1581 (27.1) 17415 (24.2) 1751 (24.2) 39216 (32.0) 2375 (32.0)
Othera 5067 (9.1) 483 (9.1) 17532 (14.6) 854 (14.6) 5909 (7.0) 510 (7.0) 20494 (13.3) 991 (13.3)
Hispanic ethnicity
Puerto Rican 1278 (11.0) 586 (11.0) 2188 (8.3) 486 (8.3) 1796 (14.2) 1025 (14.2) 2974 (10.6) 787 (10.6)
Mexican 9651 (13.0) 693 (13.0) 26195 (19.2) 1122 (19.2) 9100 (12.0) 872 (12.0) 25721 (19.5) 1452 (19.5)
Not Hispanic 142164 (76.0) 4047 (76.0) 223759 (72.4) 4225 (72.4) 179757 (73.8) 5343 (73.8) 275659 (69.9) 5192 (69.9)
Employment status
Employed 110676 (59.2) 3155 (59.2) 182964 (60.4) 3524 (60.4) 105379 (42.6) 3081 (42.6) 180836 (48.5) 3602 (48.2)
Not employed 8457 (12.0) 637 (12.0) 15243 (11.9) 694 (11.9) 11343 (11.0) 797 (11.0) 17697 (10.5) 783 (10.5)
Not in labuor force, age < 60 16337 (16.3) 868 (16.3) 35503 (18.0) 1050 (18.0) 40700 (30.0) 2175 (30.0) 67977 (27.2) 2018 (27.2)
Not in labour force, age > = 60 17623 (12.5) 666 (12.5) 18432 (9.7) 565 (9.7) 33231 (16.4) 1187 (16.4) 37844 (13.8) 1028 (13.8)
Marital status
Married 95388 (49.9) 2656 (49.9) 152263 (48.8) 2849 (48.8) 105299 (38.0) 2750 (38.0) 164171 (39.3) 2923 (39.3)
Not married 9662 (11.0) 588 (11.0) 13196 (9.3) 545 (9.3) 39186 (27.5) 1990 (27.5) 54560 (23.2) 1721 (23.2)
Never married 48043 (39.1) 2082 (39.1) 86683 (41.8) 2439 (41.8) 46168 (34.5) 2500 (34.5) 85623 (37.5) 2787 (37.5)
Veteran status
Veteran 28394 (11.1) 589 (11.1) 21236 (5.4) 315 (5.4) 57 (0.2) 12 (0.2)* 58 (0.2) 14 (0.2)
Non-service 124699 (88.9) 4737 (88.9) 230906 (94.6) 5518 (94.6) 190596 (99.8) 7228 (99.8) 304296 (99.8) 7417 (99.8)
Income (1990 US$)
< $25,000 49656 (46.4) 2473 (46.4) 74527 (43.1) 2511 (43.1) 80158 (57.6) 4173 (57.6) 113108 (51.5) 3828 (51.5)
$25,000-$50,000 50704 (28.9) 1540 (28.9) 75110 (29.4) 1714 (29.4) 57225 (23.8) 1723 (23.8) 88929 (26.8) 1990 (26.78)
> $50,000 52824 (24.7) 1313 (24.7) 102505 (27.6) 1608 (27.6) 53270 (18.6) 1344 (18.6) 102317 (21.7) 1613 (21.71)
Home ownership
Owns home 107705 (32.2) 1715 (32.2) 180722 (35.3) 2056 (35.3) 130271 (29.3) 2119 (29.3) 212305 (32.3) 2398 (32.3)
Rents in cash 44862 (66.7) 3552 (66.7) 70870 (63.4) 3698 (63.4) 159644 (69.8) 5054 (69.8) 91485 (66.8) 4963 (66.8)
  Renter, non-cash 526 (1.1) 59 (1.1) 550 (1.4) 79 (1.4) 738 (0.9) 67 (0.9) 564 (0.9) 70 (0.9)
N (all) 210527 5799 363246 6188 234739 7719 399624 7773
N (matched) 153093 5326 252142 5833 190653 7240 304354 7431
  N (unmatched) 57434 473 111104 355 44086 479 95270 342

Asian/Pacific Islander, Native American/American Indian etc.


Statistically significant at P < 0.05 using t tests for continuous variables and chi2 tests for categorical variables.