LAMB4 protein levels in myenteric plexus of patients with LAMB4
variants. (A) 40X images of representative myenteric plexus in colonic
tissue stained for S100, LAMB4 or DAPI from a non-diverticulitis control patient (1),
a patient with sporadic diverticulitis but no damaging variants in
LAMB4 (2), a patient with sporadic diverticulitis and heterozygous
for the rs2074749 variant in LAMB4 (3) and the index patient (4).
(B) Average LAMB4 expression in myenteric plexus in colonic tissue from
Control, Sporadic and LAMB4 patients. LAMB4 expression was calculated for each patient
sample as the average value of the total level of LAMB4 immunofluorescence in 13
separate myenteric plexus on average for each sample after subtracting the level of
fluorescence in the surrounding tissue. Bars show the average of those values for four
patients without diverticulitis (Control), eleven patients with diverticulitis but
without a variant within the LAMB4 coding region (Sporadic) and six
patients with diverticulitis carrying a variant within LAMB4 (LAMB4).
Each bar represents the mean (± the standard error of the mean) of the average values
from multiple plexus from the sampled tissues. (C) LAMB4 expression
levels in colonic sections from individual patients who carried variants in
LAMB4. LAMB4 expression was calculated for each patient sample as
the average value of the total level of LAMB4 immunofluorescence in at least 13
separate myenteric plexus for each sample after subtracting the level of fluorescence
in the surrounding tissue. Any value below zero was set to zero. Patient 1, index
patient; patient 2, rs149874137; patient 3, chr7:107746309; patient 4, rs147992634;
patient 5, rs2074749; patient 6, chr7:107720090.