(A) Clustering of the endogenous DISC1 hNPC and astrocyte interactomes based on protein-protein interactions derived from public databases. (B) Enrichment of the DISC1 hNPC interactome in proteins found to have de novo mutations in patients affected by schizophrenia (SCZ), intellectual disability (ID), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), congenital heart disease (CHD), along with all controls listed in denovo-db. Variant classes are split between missense mutations, protein truncating variants (PTV), nonsynonomous mutations (includes missense and protein truncating variants), and synonomous mutations. Error bars represent the 95% confidence interval and nominal p-values are displayed in bold for each test. (C) Heatmap representing proteins implicated in contributing to neurological disorders via OMIM along with proteins containing nonsynonomous de novo mutations in SCZ, ASD, or ID when found in two or more gene lists.