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. 2018 Aug 2;5(2):437–445. doi: 10.1007/s40744-018-0122-6

Table 2.

Clinical characteristics of patients diagnosed with nr-axSpA

Northwest Africa (N = 26) South Africa (N = 7)
HLA-B27 status, n (%)
 Positive 9 (34.6) 6 (85.7)
 Negative 5 (19.2) 1 (14.3)
 Results not available 12 (46.2) 0 (0.0)
Time from IBP to SpA diagnosis (SD), years 2.5 (2.4) 14.5 (20.5)
 n 6 2
Family history of SpA, n (%)
 Yes 8 (30.8) 1 (14.3)
 No 18 (69.2) 4 (57.1)
 Results not available 0 (0.0) 2 (28.6)
Sacroiliitis diagnosis (unilateral up to grade 2), n (%)
 Diagnosed with X-rays 18 (69.2) 1 (14.3)
 Diagnosed with an MRI 4 (15.4) 0 (0.0)
 Not diagnosed 4 (15.4) 6 (85.7)
 Results unavailable 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Highest sacroiliitis grade, n (%)
 Grade 0 1 (3.9) 0 (0.0)
 Grade I 11 (42.3) 0 (0.0)
 Grade II 9 (34.6) 1 (14.3)
 Grade III 1 (3.9) 0 (0.0)
 Grade IV 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
 Missing 4 6
NSAID response, n (%)
 Positive 19 (73.1) 3 (42.9)
 Negative 4 (15.4) 3 (42.9)
 Results not available 3 (11.5) 1 (14.3)
Most recent CRP value, mean (SD) 18.1 (30.5) 7.1 (9.6)
 n 23 5
Most recent CRP levels, n (%)
 Not elevated (< 3.5 mg/l) 7 (26.9) 3 (42.9)
 Elevated (= 3.5 mg/l) 16 (61.5) 2 (28.6)
 Results not available 3 (11.5) 2 (28.6)
Most recent ESR value, mean (SD) 29.5 (32.1) 5.2 (4.0)
Most recent ESR value, n (missing) 24 (2) 5 (2)
Most recent ESR levels, n (%)
 Not elevated (< 28 mm/h) 15 (57.7) 5 (71.4)
 Elevated (= 28 mm/h) 9 (34.6) 0 (0.0)
 Results not available 2 (7.7) 2 (28.6)

AS ankylosing spondylitis, CRP C-reactive protein, ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate, HLA-B27 human leukocyte antigen B27, IBP inflammatory back pain, nr-axSpA nonradiographic axial spondyloarthritis, NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, n/N number, SpA spondyloarthritis, SD standard deviation