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. 2018 Nov 9;7(11):e10682. doi: 10.2196/10682

Table 2.

Key measures, data source, and time of assessment. All questionnaire items were either taken from or directly informed by validated questionnaires.

Measures Data source Time points
T1a T2b T3c T4d Oe
Feasibility/acceptability measures (primary measures)

Usage of Web-based tool Tracking system (internally created) f Cg/Ph

Usability of Web-based tool Interview, questionnaire items [62-64] C C/P C/P

Feasibility of study implementation Process data (eg, recruitment, attrition) [65,66] C/P Si
Outcome measures (secondary measures)

Dietary knowledge and attitudes Questionnaire items [67,68] C C C C

Dietary intake Questionnaire items [69,70] C C C C

Anthropometric measures Digital stadiometer, body composition monitor C C

Feeding practices Questionnaire items [71] P P P

Home food environment Questionnaire items [72] P P P

aT1: Time points indicated by baseline.

bT2: Time points indicated by midpoint (3 weeks postbaseline).

cT3: Time points indicated by endpoint (6 weeks postbaseline).

dT4: Time points indicated by follow-up (3 months postintervention).

eO: Ongoing throughout intervention period.

fIndicates measures that were not collected at specific timepoints.

gC: Data collected from child.

hP: Data collected from parent/guardian.

iS: Data collected from study staff (internal).