LFB and Nissl staining of coronal sections at the lesion core (LC), R5mm, and C5mm segments at each time point after SCI. The variation in the percentage of spared white matter area over time was observed. (a) LFB and Nissl staining of coronal sections at the lesion core, R5mm, and C5mm segments at each time point after SCI. The anatomic structure at the lesion core of the spinal cord was clearly changed, where white matter at the DC was greatly lost, gray matter was transformed severely, and a large cyst formed at the spinal cord center, which was filled with a large amount of denatured and dead neurons and disintegrated axons and myelin debris as well as inflammatory cells. The dotted line indicates spared white matter area. (b) Quantitative analysis of LFB- and Nissl-stained spared white matter area percentage in the R5mm, lesion core, and C5mm region over time. Spared white matter at the lesion core decreased at 1 day after SCI, dropped to the lowest point at 3 days after SCI, and remained stable from 7 to 14 days after SCI. ∗ Significantly different from the value before SCI. DC: dorsal column; LLWM: left lateral white matter; RLWM: right lateral white matter; LVWM: left ventral white matter; RVWM: right ventral white matter.