Figure 4.
CEST/CERT images (A) and B0 map (B) from one of the subject. (A) The images in the first and second columns are with and without WASSR B0 correction, respectively. The images in the third column are the differences between the first two columns. The histograms of “difference” images are shown in the last column. MTRdouble was obtained with a 0.5 µT average power and a 30% duty cycle. The difference images are highly correlated to B0 map (B), as expected. Note the very small magnitude of the MTRdouble “difference” images, indicating a small dependency on B0. Also note that the larger gray-matter/white-matter contrast in the MTRasym image (compared to the MTRdouble images) likely reflects contributions from non-specific and confounding contributions from the sloping and non-zero baseline.