Fig. 1.
Effect of zinc protoporphyrin (ZnPP) on DSS-induced colitis. To analyze HO-1 expression in colonic mucosa, time-dependent expression of ho-1 mRNA in colonic mucosal tissue after DSS administration was determined using RT-PCR (A). Time-dependent expression of HO-1 protein in colonic mucosa after DSS administration was determined by western blotting (B). The results representative of 3 separate experiments. Each treatment condition after DSS treatment is represented by 2 lanes. (C) Colonic Localization of HO-1 expression was analyzed by immunofluorescence staining and visualized under a laser scanning confocal microscope. Upper left: HO-1 stained with anti-rabbit Alexa 594 secondary antibody; Upper right: F4/80 stained with anti-rat Alexa 488 secondary antibody; Below: merged image of upper images. A representative image from three separate experiments is shown.