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. 2009 Jan 12;14(1):329–351. doi: 10.3390/molecules14010329

Table 1.

Examples of VitB6 De Novo and Salvage Pathway Mutants in Context with Stress.

Organism Mutant Pathway affected Phenotype Citation
E. coli ppox/pdxH Salvage Reduced growth, aberrant shape [27]
C. nicotianae sor1/pdx1 De novo Increased ROS sensitivity, loss of vitB6 production, increased salt sensitivity, reduced growth [81]
S. cerevisiae snz1/pdx1 De novo Reduced growth in minimal media [94]
S. cerevisiae sno1/pdx2 De novo Reduced growth in minimal media [94]
S. cerevisiae pdx3 Salvage Increased ROS sensitivity [50]
A. thaliana sos4-1 Salvage Increased salt sensitivity [87, 90]
A. thaliana pdx 1.1, pdx 1.3 De novo Increased salt sensitivity [21, 86]
A. thaliana pdx3/PPOX Salvage Reduced aerial & root growth, increased salt sensitivity [50, 90]