Figure 2.
Spores lacking muramic-δ-lactam undergo a delayed germination. Spore germination was monitored for the optical density assay at 600 nm after the addition of 0.1% sodium taurocholate in BHISG, for 60 min (A) or 24 h (B), for the 630Δerm(pMTL84151) parental strain in blue, ΔpdaA1(pMTL84151) strain in green, and the complemented pdaA1 mutant strain (ΔpdaA1(pCH67)) in gray. Results are expressed as the ratio of OD600 nm observed at time point (T) over the initial OD600 nm at T = 0 (T0). Assessment of germination delay in solid BHI supplemented with horse blood and taurocholates was performed for the 630Δerm and the ΔpdaA1 strains (C). Colony sizes were measured (D) and presented in blue for the 630Δerm strain and in green for the ΔpdaA1 strain. *, Student's t test, p < 0.005. Results are expressed as the average values and standard deviations of at least three independent experiments, except for the assessment of germination delay in solid BHI (C) which is representative of three independent experiments.