Household questionnaire |
Household head/most knowledgeable about household |
To estimate sociodemographic characteristics, number of injuries per household, household migration patterns and social capital.
To compare measures of wealth/poverty/slum/non-slum household.
To identify those injured in last 6 months for individual injury questionnaire.
Sociodemographic characteristics of household members: age, gender, education level, caste/religion/ethnicity, occupation.1
Household members with a disability79 and all those injured in the last 6 months.25
Household assets.1
Slum/non-slum household definition.80
Progress out of poverty index questions.42
Income (tailor made—building on qualitative findings).
Social capital.80
Individual questionnaire |
Randomly selected from all household members using the Kish method82 83
To estimate the prevalence of depression (Kathmandu only).
To assess the acceptability of PHQ9 and somatic questions.
To assess level of agreement between PHQ9 scores and somatic symptoms.
To explore associations between mobile phone ownership, migration and social capital.
PHQ9 (Patient Health Questionnaire 9).48–50 84–86
Somatic symptoms of mental ill-health (developed by national mental health experts in each country).
Affect questions from Washington Group Extended Set (Hanoi and Dhaka only).79
Social capital.80
Individual questionnaire |
All those injured in the last 6 months and those died in last 1 year |
Sample area observation form |
Two members of the research team, independently, after completion of household survey in a cluster |
Simple ‘slumness’ categorisation of the sampling area: (i) non-slum, (ii) slum, (iii) mixed, (iv) distinct slum and non-slum.
Characteristics of slums: 17 questions on social and environmental risks, eg, built on undesirable land due to slope, flood zone, crime.
Lack of facilities/infrastructure eg, absence of services, eg, health, education, clean fuels and technologies, transportation.
Unplanned and disorganised settlement eg, nature of roads and buildings.
Contamination, eg, extent of garbage/waste, open defecation and air, land and water pollution.80