Table 1.
Percentage composition of C. rotundus essential oils from two different locations.
Compounds | RIa | Sample A | Sample B | Method of Identification |
α-pinene | 936 | 3.0 | 10.8 | MS, RI |
camphene | 951 | t | 1.5 | MS, RI |
β-pinene | 979 | 5.3 | 11.3 | MS, RI |
myrcene | 990 | 0.5 | - | MS, RI |
α-phellandrene | 1002 | t | - | MS, RI |
bicyclo [3.2.0] hept-6-ene * | 1014 | - | 0.3 | RI |
p-cymene | 1026 | 1.7 | 0.6 | MS, RI |
limonene | 1030 | 2.0 | 5.7 | MS, RI |
1,8-cineole | 1033 | t | - | MS, RI |
terpinolene | 1082 | 0.6 | - | MS, RI |
perillene | 1096 | - | 0.3 | MS, RI |
3,3,5-trimethyl cyclohexene | 1118 | - | 0.2 | RI |
fenchol | 1121 | - | 0.2 | MS, RI |
trans-pinocarveol | 1142 | 4.0 | 4.0 | MS, RI |
camphene hydrate | 1147 | - | 0.4 | MS, RI |
pinocarvone | 1158 | 2.2 | 0.4 | MS, RI |
p-mentha-1, 5-diene-8-ol | 1161 | 0.4 | - | MS, RI |
borneol | 1167 | - | 0.3 | MS, RI |
terpinen-4-ol | 1178 | 0.9 | 1.0 | MS, RI |
myrtenol | 1201 | 7.9 | 7.1 | MS, RI |
verbenone | 1209 | 0.6 | 1.1 | MS, RI |
trans-carveol | 1226 | t | 0.4 | MS, RI |
cuminaldehyde | 1251 | t | 0.1 | MS, RI |
carvone | 1257 | - | 0.2 | MS, RI |
α-copaene | 1379 | - | 0.5 | MS, RI |
β-elemene | 1383 | 0.8 | 0.5 | MS, RI |
cyperene | 1397 | 1.6 | 2.6 | MS, RI |
β-caryophyllene | 1426 | 0.8 | 0.6 | MS, RI |
α-gurjunene | 1431 | - | 0.3 | MS, RI |
α-humulene | 1452 | 0.4 | 0.2 | MS, RI |
allo-aromadendrene | 1468 | 1.2 | 0.8 | MS, RI |
eudesma-2,4,11-triene | 1476 | 2.1 | - | MS, RI |
β-selinene | 1484 | 5.1 | 4.6 | MS, RI |
α-selinene | 1491 | 2.7 | 6.6 | MS, RI |
germacrene B | 1546 | - | 2.1 | MS, RI |
spathulenol | 1572 | 0.3 | - | MS, RI |
caryophyllene oxide | 1584 | 5.4 | 2.6 | MS, RI |
(2R,5E)-caryophyll-5-en-12-al | 1593 | 1.0 | - | MS, RI |
humulene epoxide II | 1601 | 2.7 | 1.6 | MS, RI |
oplopenone | 1608 | 3.4 | - | RI |
globulol | 1623 | - | 0.9 | MS, RI |
patchenol ** | 1628 | 3.9 | 0.9 | RI |
2-cyclopropylthiophene | 1631 | - | 2.5 | RI |
caryophylla-3,8(13)-dien-5-β-ol | 1641 | 4.2 | 2.4 | RI |
vulgarol B | 1642 | 3.8 | 1.8 | RI |
caryophylla-3,8(13)-dien-5-α-ol | 1649 | 2.1 | - | RI |
caryophyllenol 11 | 1661 | 4.8 | 0.9 | RI |
aromadendrene epoxide | 1743 | - | 2.7 | RI |
aristolone | 1752 | 2.5 | 1.6 | MS, RI |
α-cyperone | 1771 | 11.0 | 7.9 | MS, RI |
oxo-α-ylangene | 1779 | - | 1.9 | MS, RI |
M+ 218 (C15H22O) ** | 1783 | 1.4 | - | RI |
M+ 218 (C15H22O) ** | 1796 | 1.7 | 1.1 | RI |
solavetivone | 1816 | t | - | MS, RI |
nootkatone | 1820 | - | 0.2 | MS, RI |
hexadecanoic acid | 1942 | t | - | MS, RI |
phytol | 2096 | t | - | MS, RI |
Monoterpene hydrocarbons | 13.1 | 30.4 | ||
Oxygenated monoterpenes | 16.0 | 15.5 | ||
Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons | 14.7 | 18.2 | ||
Oxygenated sesquiterpenes | 45.1 | 27.9 | ||
Total identified | 88.9 | 92.0 | ||
unidentified | 3.1 | 1.1 |
RIa = Retention Indices relative to C9-C24 n-alkanes on the DB-5 column; t = trace amount (≤0.05%); Empangeni = Sample A; KwaDlangezwa = Sample B; * Correct isomer not identified; ** An alcohol of methanoazulene; *** tentatively identified: RIa = 1783: [M+.] 218(100), 41(98), 91(93), 55(70), 79(69), 105(68), 67(63), 203(60); RIa = 1796: [M+.] 95(100), 69(52), 179(50), 41(42), 133(38), 79(28), 107(25), 218(22).