Crossover temperatures of photosynthesis for C3 and C4 with the change of CO2 concentration under different water conditions. Light intensity was 1,400 μmol⋅m−2⋅s−1 for all model runs. Jmax/Vcmax = 2.1 for C3 and Jmax/Vcmax = 4.5 for C4. Solid black line: VPD = 0.1 kPa, ψs = 0 MPa; dashed black line: VPD = 0.625 kPa, ψs = −0.5 MPa; dot-dashed black line: VPD = 1.25 kPa, ψs = −1 MPa; dotted black line: VPD = 1.875 kPa, ψs = −1.5 MPa. The circle and error bars indicated the average and confidence intervals of crossover temperature in Collatz (8).