(A) Day sleep at 18°C for female flies expressing Shibire (UAS-20xShi.ts1) by, from left to right, Alrm-GAL4 (n = 16, each genotype), MZ0709-GAL4 (n = 16–32), MZ0097-GAL4 (n = 16–32), NP2222-GAL4 (n = 16–32), NP6293-GAL4 (n = 29–32), moody-GAL4 (n = 16). MZ0709, MZ0097, and NP2222 experiments were loaded simultaneously and therefore share the same UAS-Control, graphed repeatedly for each to aid comparison. Significance markings shown for GAL4s in which the experimental group differed significantly from both controls. (B) Conditional expression of UAS-20xShi.ts1 using UAS-tubGal80.ts;Repo-GAL4 at restrictive (18°C), then permissive temperature (30°C, red shading), and back to restrictive (n = 14–16 females, mean of 3–4 days). One-way ANOVA with Holm-Sidak post-hoc test, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, *** is p<0.001. Error bars represent standard error of the mean (SEM).