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. 2018 Oct 25;52(Suppl 2):4s. doi: 10.11606/S1518-8787.2018052000629

Table 1. Characteristics of the 9,085 sample participants. Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSI-Brazil), 2015-2016.

Characteristic Total North Northeast Southeast South Midwest p

n = 9,085 n = 713 n = 2,416 n = 3,825 n = 1,234 n = 897
Gender: female (%) 53.9 49.9 54.6 54.5 53.6 52.1 0.934
Age – average (SE) 63.0 (0.42) 62.1 (0.67) 63.3 (0.75) 63.0 (0.72) 63.0 (0.92) 62.3 (1.1) 0.945
Education (years) (%)             < 0.0001
> 11 23.8 26.3 18.3 26.3 24.2 23.7  
8–10 11.9 15.6 8.9 12.9 12.2 11.3  
4–7 31.4 25.4 23.2 34.4 36.9 31.8  
< 4 32.8 32.7 49.5 26.4 26.7 33.2  
Place of residence: Rural (%) 15.3 17.7 30.3 6.5 21.6 5.6 0.006
Memory - mean (SE)              
Immediate 4.3 (0.05) 4.2 (0.11) 3.8 (0.08) 4.5 (0.06) 4.6 (0.07) 4.3 (0.07) < 0.0001
Late 2.9 (0.06) 2.7 (0.15) 2.4 (0.09) 3.0 (0.07) 3.0 (0.09) 3.1 (0.13) < 0.0001
Combined 7.3 (0.10) 7.0 (0.24) 6.2 (0.17) 7.5 (0.13) 7.7 (0.16) 7.6 (0.19) < 0.0001
Verbal fluency - mean (SE) 12.6 (0.29) 11.4 (0.37) 11.4 (0.85) 13.2 (0.41) 12.6 (0.40) 12.9 (0.38) 0.012

All estimates were weighted by the sample parameters and sample weights of the subjects.

SE: standard error. For continuous and categorical variables, F tests were used, and the weighted chi-square, corrected for the study design, was used as a complex sample.