Fig. 1.
A lipid transfer protein (LTP) is the major protein in Brassica rapa nectar. (A) Whole B. rapa flower (left) beside one from its close relative, Arabidopsis. (B) Example of a nectar droplet collected from B. rapa flowers for protein identification. LN, lateral nectary; Ov, ovary; Pe, petal. A short stamen was removed from the flower to visualize the nectar droplet. (C) Protein profile of raw B. rapa nectar after separation by 12% SDS-PAGE and silver staining. The major protein band (arrowhead) was excised from the gel and processed for protein identification. (D) Peptides identified from the major protein band [arrowhead in (C)] by LC-MS/MS. (E) BLAST searches identified the major protein band as Bra028980, a putative lipid-transfer protein. Peptides identified by MS/MS are shaded in gray, cysteines are highlighted, and a putative signal peptide required for secretion from the cell is underlined.