Figure 1.
Usp9X inhibition causes massive reduction in cellular viability in MPNST cell lines. (a–c) ST88-14 (a), T265-2c (b), 90-8 cells (c) were treated with increasing concentrations of WP1130 for 72 h. Cellular viability was determined by CellTiter-Glo assay and the IC50-values were calculated based on a non-linear regression analysis. Data are presented as mean and SD, n = 3. (d–f) Usp9X was silenced in ST88-14 (d), T265-2c (e), 90-8 cells (f) with non-targeting (NT) RNA or siUsp9X for 24, 48 and 72 h. Cellular viability was determined by CellTiter-Glo assay and relative cell viability was calculated. Data are presented as mean and SD, n = 3. * = 0.0129 *** ≤ 0.001. (g–j) Usp9X knock down was performed in ST88-14, T265-2c and 90-8 cells. Whole-cell extracts were examined by Western blot for Usp9X. ß-actin Western blot analysis was performed to confirm equal protein loading. Bar graphs show protein quantification analyzed through ImageJ. Data are presented as mean and SD, n = 3.