Fig. 6.
Post-transcriptionally regulated proteins are enriched for RBP binding motifs. a Seven RBP sequence motifs are enriched in the group of potentially post-transcriptionally regulated proteins (adjusted enrichment p value < 0.05). In total we scanned for enrichment of 67 Drosophila-specific motifs corresponding to 51 distinct RBPs. For each RBP, only the sequence logo with highest enrichment is shown. b Putative post-transcriptional regulators are regulated at the protein expression level during Drosophila development. Measured protein profiles (black solid line—normalized LFQ) of four RBPs, alongside their corresponding mRNA expression (dashed gray line) and the best model fit (colored line) are presented. Error bars represent standard deviation of protein according to a linear error model. The expression level of the three remaining RBPs (RBP1-LIKE, ARET, and CG17838) were below the proteomics detection limit