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. 2018 Dec;24(12):2141–2149. doi: 10.3201/eid2412.180117

Table 1. Interval between HIV exposure and follow-up HIV tests for the 37 persons followed up after initially screening HIV-nonreactive in investigation of nosocomial HIV outbreak, Hangzhou,China, 2016–2017*.

Potential contact
Days between HIV exposure and follow-up HIV tests
1st test
2nd test
3rd test
4th test
5th test
6th test
7th test
8th test
Mrs. P0‡ 24 29 45 68 103 130 191 464
Q1 28 48 82
Q2 28 58 86 186
Q3 27 29 59 84 182
Q4 28 58 86 192
Q5 28 45 86 192
Q6 28 56 94 188
Q7 27 28 57 99 211
Q8 29 58 100 189
Q9 27 57 45 85
Q10 27 28 60 93 187
Q11 28 64 106 202
Q12 29 55 83 185
Q13 27 29 58 89
Q14 27 35 62 92 199
Q15 27 33 64 93 212
Q16 27 45 93
Q17 27 33
Q18 27 34 59 90 189
Q19 27 33 63 91 187
Q20 28 60 90 194
Q21 30 55 80 192
Q22 31 45 93 186
Q23 31 53 81 188
Q24 33 55 89 187
Q25 32 63 92 196
Q26 33 63 95 189
Q27 33 47 97 193

P3’s husband 7 30 57 97 182
P4’s husband 11 28 52 98 180
P5’s husband 2 18 25 32 60 196
Infant P0 3 42 90 242
Infant P2 3 43
Infant P4 1 44

*First HIV test was conducted using both nucleic acid testing and EIA. All subsequent HIV tests were conducted using EIA only. Blank cells indicate no further HIV test. EIA, enzyme immunoassay; LIT, lymphocyte immunotherapy; P, patient infected with HIV; Q, women who might have been exposed to HIV but were not infected.
†Beginning of the time interval was counted from contaminated LIT at ZC Hospital on December 30, 2016.
‡Mrs. P0 is the wife of the index case-patient, P0. She is continuing to be followed once a year for at least 3 years since she discontinued antiretroviral therapy. Her most recent HIV test, on March 9, 2018, was again negative.
§For husbands, beginning of the time interval was counted from the most recent sexual contact with the wife from the wife’s exposure on December 30, 2016, through the start of the investigation on January 25, 2017. Husbands received both serologic (4th-generation Ag/Ab EIA, Shanghai Kehua Bio-Engineering, Shanghai, China) and virologic testing (HIV-1 RNA, COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HIV-1 Test v2.0, Roche, Branchburg, NJ, USA).
¶For infants, beginning of the time interval was counted as the date of birth. The first 3 HIV tests for infants were early infant diagnosis tests by a standard nucleic acid testing protocol. The fourth test for infant P0 was a 4th-generation Ag/Ab EIA.