FIG 1.
Comparative genetic analysis of pC1394 with other IncA/C2 plasmids. (A) Comparison between pC1394 and pRMH760. Sequence similarity is depicted by the shaded region. Genes coding for proteins of known function are named above and colored according to the figure legend. (B and C) Comparison of ARI-A islands and mobile elements encoding the blaNDM-1 gene from different plasmids. Genes are denoted by arrows. Genes and mobile elements are colored based on their functional classification. Shading denotes regions of homology (nucleotide identity, ≥99%). The GenBank accession numbers for each plasmid are as follows: KF976462 (pRMH760), MH457126 (pC1394), AP012208 (pNDM-1_Dok01), and JN157804 (pNDM-KN).