STM images for the 1 ML water structure
formed at 138 K showing
the formation of a hexagonal network containing water adsorbed with
some OH groups pointing away from the surface. (a) Detail of a region
with a hexagonal arrangement of bright features in a (3 0, −1
1) repeat and (b) a region with bright features aligned along [25̅5̅]
in a doubled, rectangular (3 0, 1 2) repeat that crosses two steps.
(c and d) Images of the same region showing a structural change from
the rectangular arrangement (c) to hexagonal (d), achieved during
scanning by increasing the tunneling current to bring the tip close
to the surface. The sites marked by the yellow arrows move up one
Cu unit leaving the remaining water network unperturbed, as indicated
by the dashed hexagonal network. (e,g and f,h) STM simulations (0.1
V) and DFT structures for arrangements containing one H-up water per
unit cell (see SI, structures S4Y and S3D)
either in or out of phase on adjacent Cu terraces, with adsorption
energies of −75.1 and −75.2 kJ/mol, respectively. The
position of the H-up water molecules is indicated by the yellow circles.
STM scan direction is vertical with (a) 0.11 V, 41 pA; (b,c) 0.11
V, 21 pA; (d) 53 mV, 21 pA.