Figure 3:
Regulatory T cells (Tregs) express less α4β7: (A) Pooling all 3 cohorts from figure 2, naïve (CD45RA+)and antigen-experienced (CD45RA-) populations of CD4T cells were each gated by FACS into CD25+ and CD25− subsets, and the percent of each expressing detectable α4β7 was compared by Wilcoxon matched pairs signed-rank test. (B) In a separate cohort of 18 IBD patients, CD4+, CD45RA- cells, gated by FACS from lymphocyte singlets, were divided into FOXP3+, Helios+ thymically-derived Tregs (tTregs), FOXP3+, Helios-peripherally-derived Tregs (pTregs)and FOXP3-, Helios-conventional T cells, and the percent of each population with detectable α4β7 was compared by Friedman test, demonstrating reduced expression exclusively in the tTreg population. (C) FACS gating strategy from lymphocyte singlets and representative α4β7 expression in each T cell subset is shown.