Figure 3. Circulating 4°M Cells Home to the Lung and Convert to Trm for Extended Period of Time.
(A) 90 days post-PR8-GP33 infection, mice bearing Thy1.1/1.1 1°M P14 (blue; “1°M mice”) and Thy1.1/1.2 4M P14 (red; “4°M mice”) cells were joined by parabiosis. Three weeks later, parabionts were analyzed.
(B–D) Abundance of 1°M (blue) and 4°M (red) P14 cells in peripheral blood (B) and spleen (C) of parabiotic mice. Representative plots (left); cumulative data (right). n = 4 parabionts/experiment. Representative of two independent experiments. Error bars represent mean ± SD. ****p < 0.0001, unpaired t test.
(D) Abundance and Trm distribution of 1°M (blue) and 4°M (red) Trm P14 cells expressed as a percentage of the total Trm population (IVCD69+CD103+) in lungs of parabiotic mice. Representative plots (left); cumulative data (right).
(E) Parabionts were prepared as in (A) and were analyzed 13 weeks after the surgery.
(F) Abundance and Trm distribution of 1°M (blue) and 4M (red) Trm P14 cells expressed as a percentage of the total Trm population (IVCD69+CD103+) in lungs of parabiotic mice. Representative plots (left); cumulative data (right). n = 4 parabionts/experiment. Representative of two independent experiments. Error bars represent mean ± SD. ****p < 0.0001, unpaired t test.