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. 2018 Oct 30;21:1483–1495. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.10.142

Table 3.

Maximum (local maxima) and mean values of normalized alteration negentropy, and Talairach coordinates of the different brain areas.

ID Brain area Local maxima (Talairach)
Maximum normalized negentropy Mean normalized negentropy
1 Left locus coeruleus −5 −25 −7 0.987 0.996
2 Left pyramis (Cerebellum) −2 −78 −27 0.974 0.997
3 Right locus Coeruleus 6 −28 −8 0.963 0.994
4 Left tuber (Cerebellum) −1 −75 −24 0.907 0.991
5 Left uvula (Cerebellum) −4 −60 −34 0.836 0.994
6 Right culmen (Cerebellum) 6 −59 3 0.794 0.989
7 Right fastigium (Cerebellum) 6 −48 −19 0.788 0.981
8 Right substantia Nigra 16 −20 −6 0.786 0.981
9 Left nodule (Cerebellum) −6 −46 −26 0.782 0.996
10 Left declive (Cerebellum) 0 −75 −12 0.683 0.972
11 Right dentate (Cerebellum) 18 −54 −18 0.683 0.988
12 Right medial geniculum body 14 −24 2 0.525 0.927
13 Left dentate (Cerebellum) −12 −47 −18 0.513 0.969
14 Right subthalamic nucleus 11 −12 2 0.46 0.894
15 Left lingual gyrus (BA 17) 0 −84 3 0.44 0.908
16 Right pons 14 −14 −19 0.428 0.985
17 Left substantia Nigra −17 −20 −6 0.375 0.926
18 Right culmen (Cerebellum) 5 −33 −13 0.3 0.926
19 Left posterior cingulate (BA 29) −6 −41 22 0.259 0.922
20 Left subthalamic nucleus −11 −11 2 0.258 0.817
21 Left lateral geniculum body −24 −27 −3 0.252 0.657
22 Left anterior cingulate (BA 33) −3 22 21 0.247 0.797
23 Right postcentral gyrus (BA 5) 6 −46 63 0.245 0.83
24 Left fastigium (Cerebellum) −6 −47 −19 0.238 0.82
25 Right postcentral gyrus (BA 1) 62 −23 34 0.224 0.905
26 Left cerebellar lingual −6 −45 −18 0.223 0.848
27 Medulla oblongata 3 −39 −42 0.222 0.929
28 Left lingual gyrus (BA 17) −4 −84 1 0.216 0.95
29 Right precentral gyrus (BA 43) 54 −3 12 0.197 0.787
30 Right anterior cingulate (BA 33) 1 22 22 0.176 0.72
31 Right uvula (Cerebellum) 20 −73 −31 0.162 0.943
32 Left paracentral lobule (BA 5) −9 −42 60 0.158 0.822
33 Right lateral geniculum body 24 −26 −3 0.144 0.806
34 Left postcentral gyrus (BA 1) −56 −25 37 0.143 0.927
35 Left red nucleus −7 −18 2 0.137 0.854
36 Right tuber (Cerebellum) 33 −57 −30 0.124 0.955
37 Left cerebellar tonsil −24 −63 −45 0.124 0.956
38 Right pyramis (Cerebellum) 29 −57 −30 0.124 0.903
39 Right inferior semilunar lobule (Cerebellum) 24 −78 −35 0.124 0.973
40 Left precentral gyrus (BA 43) −57 −6 12 0.124 0.772
41 Left inferior semilunar lobule (Cerebellum) −24 −66 −39 0.119 0.957
42 Right ventral anterior nucleus (Thalamus) 12 −9 12 0.115 0.531
43 Right cingulate gyrus (BA 31) 6 −57 30 0.105 0.7
44 Left parahippocampal gyrus (BA 30) −18 −42 −3 0.105 0.825
45 Left parahippocampal gyrus (BA 27) −24 −34 −3 0.104 0.467
46 Right superior temporal gyrus (BA 42) 57 −30 6 0.101 0.837
47 Left tuber (Cerebellum) −42 −69 −23 0.1 0.924
48 Left culmen (Cerebellum) −24 −33 −18 0.099 0.936
49 Right culmen (Cerebellum) 12 −63 −10 0.099 0.905
50 Right precuneus (BA 7) 0 −60 36 0.096 0.84
51 Right cingulate gyrus (BA 23) 0 −33 27 0.096 0.725
52 Left nucleus accumbens −9 13 −8 0.094 0.497
53 Left posterior cingulate (BA 23) −6 −39 27 0.094 0.754
54 Left precuneus (BA 31) −9 −54 30 0.093 0.728
55 Right cuneus (BA 19) 3 −87 25 0.093 0.83
56 Left caudate tail −36 −14 −10 0.09 0.63
57 Left middle occipital gyrus (BA 19) −54 −60 −6 0.088 0.872
58 Right caudate tail 36 −16 −6 0.088 0.647
59 Left declive (Cerebellum) −42 −69 −18 0.086 0.871
60 Left postcentral gyrus (BA 2) −54 −19 30 0.085 0.8
61 Left middle temporal gyrus (BA 39) −51 −57 9 0.084 0.76
62 Right inferior temporal gyrus (BA 20) 36 −6 −36 0.084 0.689
63 Right ventral posterior lateral nucleus (Thalamus) 12 −16 10 0.082 0.512
64 Left ventral anterior nucleus (Thalamus) −6 −7 3 0.081 0.507
65 Left middle occipital gyrus (BA 18) −36 −81 −9 0.081 0.896
66 Left precuneus (BA 7) −3 −63 36 0.079 0.764
67 Right cuneus (BA 18) 3 −87 24 0.078 0.866
68 Right medial frontal gyrus (BA 8) 3 42 42 0.07 0.709
69 Right nucleus accumbens 9 12 −6 0.069 0.211
70 Right lateral posterior nucleus (Thalamus) 13 −22 12 0.069 0.427
71 Right ventral posterior medial nucleus (Thalamus) 12 −19 10 0.068 0.411
72 Right declive (Cerebellum) 15 −60 −12 0.067 0.843
73 Left medial geniculum body −15 −24 2 0.065 0.466
74 Left anterior nucleus (Thalamus) −6 −9 12 0.061 0.252
75 Right superior temporal gyrus (BA 41) 54 −24 14 0.057 0.66
76 Right lateral globus pallidus 18 0 −7 0.057 0.534
77 Right postcentral gyrus (BA 2) 48 −24 42 0.056 0.767
78 Right red nucleus 4 −20 2 0.053 0.791
79 Right medial globus pallidus 9 3 −3 0.052 0.477
80 Left lateral dorsal nucleus (Thalamus) −9 −20 14 0.052 0.117
81 Left ventral lateral nucleus (Thalamus) −6 −9 6 0.048 0.242
82 Left postcentral gyrus (BA 40) −57 −27 21 0.046 0.849
83 Right parahippocampal gyrus (BA 27) 24 −30 −7 0.045 0.552
84 Right middle frontal gyrus (BA 46) 42 31 22 0.043 0.829
85 Left postcentral gyrus (BA 3) −54 −15 30 0.043 0.856
86 Right postcentral gyrus (BA 3) 48 −15 42 0.042 0.821
87 Left middle frontal gyrus (BA 8) −30 39 39 0.038 0.825
88 Left hypothalamus −5 −3 −5 0.037 0.352
89 Right mammillary body 8 −21 5 0.032 0.53
90 Right fusiform gyrus (BA 37) 30 −36 −12 0.032 0.677
91 Right lateral dorsal nucleus (Thalamus) 10 −16 15 0.032 0.131
92 Left midline nucleus (Thalamus) −7 −20 14 0.032 0.097
93 Right ventral lateral nucleus (Thalamus) 11 −12 15 0.031 0.323
94 Right superior temporal gyrus (BA 22) 45 −21 0 0.03 0.715
95 Left parahippocampal gyrus (BA 37) −30 −39 −12 0.027 0.666
96 Right posterior cingulate (BA 29) 3 −57 9 0.025 0.671
97 Left mammillary body −8 −18 3 0.024 0.43
98 Right superior temporal gyrus (BA 39) 54 −54 27 0.023 0.86
99 Right midline nucleus (Thalamus) 7 −15 15 0.021 0.058
100 Right putamen 27 −9 9 0.021 0.416
101 Right supramarginal gyrus (BA 40) 54 −53 27 0.02 0.818
102 Right cerebellar tonsil 12 −45 −42 0.02 0.963
103 Right medial frontal gyrus (BA 11) 1 36 −11 0.018 0.924
104 Left precentral gyrus (BA 4) −36 −13 52 0.017 0.794
105 Right hypothalamus 4 −1 −6 0.016 0.401
106 Right medial frontal gyrus (BA 6) 2 36 33 0.013 0.815
107 Right parahippocampal gyrus (BA 36) 24 −29 −12 0.013 0.49
108 Right hippocampus 27 −22 −12 0.012 0.165
109 Left parahippocampal gyrus (BA 36) −28 −15 −24 0.011 0.397
110 Right precentral gyrus (BA 4) 48 −12 42 0.01 0.84
111 Left caudate body −9 6 9 0.01 0.404
112 Left lateral posterior nucleus (Thalamus) −18 −21 9 0.01 0.241
113 Left superior temporal gyrus (BA 22) −48 12 −6 0.009 0.709
114 Left inferior frontal gyrus (BA 45) −36 24 2 0.009 0.786
115 Left lateral globus pallidus −24 −6 −3 0.009 0.488
116 Left putamen −24 −6 −3 0.009 0.424
117 Right caudate body 9 12 9 0.007 0.466
118 Right precentral gyrus (BA 44) 42 12 6 0.007 0.635
119 Right medial dorsal nucleus (Thalamus) 3 −21 6 0.007 0.06
120 Left medial frontal gyrus (BA 11) −5 36 −12 0.007 0.875
121 Left medial globus pallidus −8 0 0 0.007 0.501
122 Left precentral gyrus (BA 44) −41 6 6 0.006 0.683
123 Left medial dorsal nucleus (Thalamus) −6 −23 9 0.006 0.059
124 Left pulvinar −6 −24 9 0.005 0.293
125 Left anterior cingulate (BA 24) −3 21 −6 0.005 0.734
126 Left amygdala −21 −9 −18 0.005 0.025
127 Left superior temporal gyrus (BA 42) −54 −34 18 0.005 0.719
128 Right anterior nucleus (Thalamus) 9 −12 15 0.005 0.337
129 Left posterior insula (BA 13) −40 0 8 0.005 0.555
130 Left parahippocampal gyrus (BA 34) −21 −12 −18 0.004 0.161
131 Right middle temporal gyrus (BA 21) 48 6 −33 0.004 0.721
132 Left hippocampus −26 −12 −22 0.004 0.106
133 Left caudate head −6 12 −6 0.004 0.183
134 Right medial frontal gyrus (BA 9) 1 36 30 0.004 0.701
135 Right amygdala 18 −6 −21 0.003 0.046
136 Left middle temporal gyrus (BA 21) −55 −18 −15 0.003 0.661
137 Right pulvinar 4 −24 10 0.003 0.316
138 Left superior temporal gyrus (BA 41) −48 −33 12 0003 0.418
139 Left uncus (BA 28) −27 −12 −25 0.003 0.211
140 Right anterior cingulate (BA 24) 1 27 23 0.003 0.723
141 Right anterior cingulate (BA 32) 3 36 21 0.002 0.456
142 Left inferior frontal gyrus (BA 47) −36 24 0 0.002 0.646
143 Right superior temporal gyrus (BA 38) 33 18 -21 0.002 0.732
144 Right anterior cingulate (BA 10) 6 48 6 0.002 0.716
145 Left cingulate gyrus (BA 32) -4 36 29 0.002 0.448
146 Right posterior insula (BA 13) 42 -9 3 0.002 0.465
147 Right parahippocampal gyrus (BA 34) 30 3 -18 0.002 0.155
148 Left parahippocampal gyrus (BA 35) -24 -15 -21 0.002 0.196
149 Right parahippocampal gyrus (BA 35) 24 -24 -14 0.002 0.298
150 Left anterior insula (BA 13) -39 3 6 0.002 0.131
151 Right anterior insula (BA 13) 3−0 18 −3 0.001 0.673
152 Left precentral gyrus (BA 6) −51 0 35 0.001 0.779
153 Left inferior temporal gyrus (BA 20) −57 −27 −18 0.001 0.552
154 Left middle frontal gyrus (BA 10) −39 48 12 0.001 0.696
155 Right anterior insula (BA 13) 33 16 0 0.001 0.184
156 Right insula (BA 45) 30 24 3 0.001 0.806
157 Left medial frontal gyrus (BA 9) −6 36 30 0.001 0.645
158 Right caudate head 6 3 −3 0.001 0.241
159 Left middle frontal gyrus (BA 46) −40 48 15 0.001 0.763
160 Right anterior cingulate (BA 25) 4 3 −6 0.001 0.483