Figure 5.
Evaluation of scanning acquisition method via spatial imaging measured from a high-Tc superconducting cuprate Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ taken with a photon energy of 6.43 eV and a temperature below 20 K near the nodal direction. (a,b) Two dimensional spatial imaging of ARPES intensity of Bi2212 by (a) the stepping method and (b) the scanning method, where the full integration windows in energy and momentum were employed to the nodal ARPES spectra similar to Fig. 3(d4). (c,d) Schematic drawings illustrate the motion control in the stepping and scanning method, respectively. Each arrow represents the motion control in one action. Note that unidirectional and bidirectional acquisitions were also employed as indicated by the solid lines. The ARPES acquisitions have been stopped in the regions indicated by the dashed lines. In the scanning mode, the sample positions were finely tuned at both arrow edges several times by reflecting feedbacks of the encoder to reduce errors due to backlash.